Business Loss Avoidance

Threat Prevention for Healthcare, Finance, Education & Nonprofit Sectors

Liability Avoidance for Cyber Breach Ecosystem


"The Internet’s Most Notorious Botnet Has an Alarming New Trick"

...Security firms AdvIntel and Eclypsium today revealed that they've spotted a new component of the trojan that TrickBot hackers use to infect machines. The previously undiscovered module checks victim computers for vulnerabilities that would allow the hackers to plant a backdoor in deep-seated code known as the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface, which is responsible for loading a device's operating system when it boots up. 

Who we are

AdvIntel is a next-generation threat prevention and loss prevention company launched by a team of certified investigators and seasoned researchers. We offer state-of-the-art solutions to combat fraud, ransomware, and botnets by providing early-warning alerting, applied threat intelligence, and long-term strategic services to the private sector and government organizations.

Our vision

We provide technical and managerial solutions that maximize security, confidentiality, and integrity, especially in these uncertain times. We draw on advanced HUMINT & SIGINT in our intelligence reporting and strategic advisory services, both of which are designed in compliance with the highest industry standards.

Our ethics

As former refugees, we started AdvIntel as a community-oriented security company. We provide free notification support to educational institutions, religious communities, Tribal Authorities, hospitals, and nonprofits. In the midst of the pandemic, we are proud to stand with our communities.

Our product & technology

AdvIntel leverages unmatched insights to help your company achieve its goals


Our early-warning infrastructure and ATMA-based platform use machine learning and big data analytics to collect, sort, and visualize risk-relevant information on the most prolific botnets, novel fraud schemes, and ransomware syndicates. By subscribing to our platform, you are ensuring that any threats to your organization will be immediately reported and mitigated.


Access to a convenient, custom-tailored, fully automated platform that provides e-mail monitoring and alerting for top-tier threats.


Access to visualizations and mapping of top-tier botnets and ransomware syndicates, for protection from breaches and ransomware attacks.


Subscription to daily, weekly, and monthly threat intel insights and RFIs, as well as professional intelligence solutions such as ransomware negotiations, threat actor engagements, and reverse engineering of malware.


you get

To address these challenges, meet Andariel – a threat prevention platform that preemptively and proactively spots threats and compromises from the cyber underground. Prolific botnets, ransomware syndicates, cyber extortionists, carders, advanced persistent threats, crimeware operators, COVID fraudsters – Andariel ensures visibility into these threats before they harm you and your business.


Know Your Adversary & Disrupt Cybercrime Threats

For more information on subscriptions please contact us

Know Your Adversary & Disrupt Cybercrime Threats


© 2024 Advanced Intelligence, LLC.

New York City, NY. All rights reserved.

For media inquiries, please contact us at [email protected]

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Advanced Intelligence, LLC is proud to be partnered with Faith-Based ISAO! 

In the age of technology, every institution is at risk of being the victim of a cyberattack, including our religious institutions. In order to protect our religious entities from cyberattacks such as: fraud schemes, phishing emails, ransomware, website vandalism, and numerous other threats, Faith-Based ISAO chose AdvIntel to provide them with the latest cyberthreat trends! 

Religious institutions are becoming more reliant than ever on technology and the internet especially amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. While religious entities are having virtual congregations and money-raising events for charity through the use of the internet, it is imperative that they are able to operate safely. AdvIntel's continuous research and regular publishing of cyberthreat intelligence reports is able to provide our religious institutions with that safety and peace of mind. 

Thank you Faith-Base ISAO for choosing AdvIntel!.
